Friday 25 March 2016

Ladies, Learn The Tricks Needed To Impress Any Man

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Have you ever wondered why a pretty lady might be having difficulty in the male department while a lady who might be considered ‘average’ by most standards seems to get guys to fall for her or at least, notice her easily? The ultimate guy wants what others desire so if you want to be desirable to the entire male specie, you must be able to impress the great guys. Once you can, it won’t take much to get other guys to desire and admire you.

If you want to impress a guy, you must learn to be nice and sweet with him while still seeming unavailable at the same time. For example, as a lady… you reciprocate flirting, but you shouldn’t initiate it. Always make it seem like the guy’s actually doing all the flirting. When you laugh at a man’s joke or seem flustered at his compliment, it shows him that he’s able to impress you but at the same time, when you don’t initiate anything to please him he’ll work harder because he knows he hasn’t pleased you enough or won you over.
That girl who’s desired by great guys is high maintenance but she’s not arrogant. She’s great to be with but she never tries to impress any guy. When a guy tries to be cocky with you, then you must exercise your power as a woman fully. If you are you the girl who forgives a guy if he keeps her waiting for a while, then you must change that attitude! Don’t ever let a guy take you for granted
At the start of a relationship or while getting to know the him, it’s very important to ensure that he takes you seriously. Ignore him or walk away if he throws his weight around you, speak out to him when he gives more attention to someone else and don’t think twice about bringing him to order if he mistreats you. If you do this right at the beginning of the relationship, he’ll respect you more. But be aware it should only apply when he takes you for granted. The rest of the time, you shouldn’t be anything but sweet and understanding of him
Below are carefully selected steps that can guide a lady to learning about what it takes to impress a man. 
Don’t use him. Just because he offers his help in a bid to impress you, that doesn’t mean you need to use him all the time to run errands or for your own selfish purposes. Ask his help so he feels like a chivalrous gentleman when he’s around you (just as he wants to) but do it the right way.
Show him some competition. Don’t ignore all other guys because one guy gives you attention. When you let a man know that you’re only interested in talking to him, he’ll assume that he’s already won you over… easily for that matter. Talk sweetly to any other nice guys around and don’t avoid them even if the guy that you like is around.
Remember that you’re not dating him yet so let him see that he has a lot of competition to deal with if he wants to date you exclusively. The more the competition, the more respectful he’ll be towards you and the harder he’ll try.
Sometimes, debate with him and win. Men are wowed by a woman’s emotional intelligence. You should never let any guy behave like he’s more intelligent than you. Be aware of what’s going on in your world or in your environment and talk about it with him. A dumb or ignorant lady could seem attractive for a few hours but she’ll be easy prey for a man’s manipulation. 
Always smell great. Let your smell linger with him when you hug him  or walk past him. Guys love a good perfume especially when the girl they’re interested in leaves behind some great scent in the air. Try several perfumes/sprays and pick the one that best suits you. It doesn’t have to be too expensive. 
Spray the perfume on your wrists, behind your ears and around your neck or just under the collarbone. When you spray your hair, it helps you leave your scent behind whenever you walk past a guy. Just remember not to rub your perfume with your hands because it kills the fragrance.
Always add in a little element of ‘naughtiness’. A naughty side is a huge turn on for every guy. Sit too close to him and watch him feel awkward around you, look deep into his eyes and unnerve him. Brush his body but make it seem like an accident. Behave coy but tempt him innocently. Never cross the line though or you’ll have yourself to blame.

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