Sunday 17 April 2016

7 Reasons Why Nigerians Should Not Blame President Buhari For Current Economic Woes

It is no longer a news that Nigeria is one of the most naturally endowed countries of the world. However, the paradox is, the country leads in terms of corruption, corrupt practices and bad leadership.

There is always a blame game used either by a ruling party or the opposition. But what ought to be done is not done by the leaders. However, the trio problems of high foreign exchange rate, fuel scarcity and epileptic power supply, should not be put at the door post of the leaders alone, but the citizens likewise, because a good number of Nigerians, benefit whenever there is a national challenge, just like fuel scarcity.
Is President Buhari responsible for hoarding petroleum products? The oil marketers, the petrol station manager and petrol attendants, one way or the other, collude to defraud the poor populace by hiking fuel pump price, due to artificial scarcity, and wish for no end in sight for fuel problem and other national problems likewise.
Another angle to the issue of corruption presently in Nigeria is the alleged Panama paper issue, where some serving Nigerian politicians were said to have been involved. Is Buhari also at fault regarding this?
The under-listed reasons have been written for Nigerians themselves to ruminate over, and tell themselves the gospel truth on who and who should be blamed more for the incessant national problems, which seem to resist solution.
See the Reasons below:-
1. It is easier to destroy than to build a nation in ruins.
2. Democracy is not military rule where decisions are taken by a fiat.
3. National Assembly not helping matters
4. Prejudicial judgement and sentiments on part of some Nigerians
5. The kettle calling the pot black
6. Foreign trips not an exercise in futility
7. Inherited corruption impeding economic prosperity
Conclusively, President Buhari needs the support and prayer of every Nigerian and not otherwise.
Source:- Naij

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