Wednesday 31 August 2016

Must See! 13 Types Of Friends We All Have, Number 4 Is So True

Friends nowadays are just like phones with types, there are some friends that will make you feels good, bad and average of both.
Below are the types of friends;

1. The Parasite Friend
This is the type of friend who virtually depend on you for almost everything including even borrowing your socks for an occasion. They are always at your place precisely when food is ready and always want to use something of yours.
2. The Emotional Wreck Friend
This is the type of friend who is always having issues in relationships and always getting broken hearts that you have to fix. They are always looking up to you for advice and you know the funny thing, they always do the opposite of what you tell them.
3. The Boozer Friend
This friend only calls you out want he wants a drink and at the end of the day, you have to carry them back home.
4. Fake Friends
These are the types who only get close to you because they want something from you and not because they really want to be friends. They can easily sacrifice you for anything.
5. Regular Friends
These are the types we all make from time to time, they don’t really share any bond with you. They are usually a friend of a friend who knows a friend. Not really your “buddy buddy”, you don’t really share your secrets with them and they don’t bother much about your dealings but interestingly, they are those you can rely on when in dire need, they help and they are gone.
6. The Tardy Friend
We all have that one friend who just can’t be on time and has to delay the whole clique due to his or her lateness.
7. The Strict Parents Friend
This is the type of friend whose parents are so strict he has to put everybody on the edge. You have to always cover for them because if his or her parents find out we went clubbing, we are doomed.
8. The Better Half Friend
This is the closest among all your friends and seems to tag along wherever you go. They understand you to the bone and seems to understand your every situation.
9. The Counselor Friend
This is the one friend who behaves like the Lord Jesus Himself, always trying to advise everybody in the group and he’s the quick one to always say, “I told you so” if things don’t go as planned.
10. The Loud Friend
This friend is so free spirited he or she just don’t know how to stay calm. Your parents complain about him. everybody complains about him or her. She’s outgoing and very gregarious.
11. The Complainer
This is the friends who complains about almost everything. Nothing seems to function properly in this world to them and since you’re the closest friend, you get to harbor all the complaints and if you don’t side with them, you’re in trouble.
12. The Indecisive Friend
This is the friend that is so humble it gets annoying and they agree to everything you suggest when deep in your heart you know you are wrong. Every evil idea you come up with, they will side with you and the funny thing is they always go like, “That’s dangerous, but why not, let’s try it”.
13. The Advice Seeker
These type is always seeking for advice on everything, is like they can’t think for themselves and depend solely on their friends to give them advice on everything they want to do.

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