Wednesday 21 September 2016

8 Types Of Guys That Will Make Useless Boyfriends But Are Good For Se X

According to a female friend of mine who co-wrote this article (she basically wrote 90 percent while i edited and added humor), she believes there are some types of guys that are good for ‘Flings and hookups’ but not good enough to date. Do i agree with her, well.. i can’t really say, but the article supports that the girl uses you for your body and i say Amen to that ðŸ˜‰ .

1. THE TRAVELER: One day he’s in Calabar, the next he’s in Abuja. Seeing him when he comes into town is great if you’re looking for an interesting fling with lots of tales to tell. On the other hand, this guy’s wanderlust will make date planning hellish, and there’s also a good chance that he might have girlfriends in other area codes, too. In other words, it’s not worth the risk.

2. THE BRO: He chugs beer like a mofo. He parties hard, and acts like he’s still living it up in the hostel. Truth be told, bros can be fun to have as quick flings. They can be hilarious, can party with the best of them, and sometimes even look good. Sadly, they tend to be very shallow, which in turn makes them nightmarish boyfriends.

3. YOUR EX BOYFRIEND: If you broke up, it’s because he was a crappy boyfriend in one way or another. Whether he cheated on you or just didn’t see all you had to offer doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s already proven that he sucks. If the sex was good, by all means, use him as a fling if you can handle it emotionally. If it was bad, why would you even bother?

4. THE NARCISSIST: Narcissists are incredible one-night stands. They’ll woo you and wine and dine you before it all goes down and the sex will sizzle. However, charming as they may be, narcissists almost always ruin your life long-term, so while the fling is good, a relationship with this dangerous person is a bad idea.
5. MR PLAYER: He’s the neighborhood Lothario, and he’s got a reputation for being a great lay. The problem with players is that they never will settle for one woman, and that means there’s a good chance that you’re his side chick if you get with him (potentially one of many). This can also mean lots of drama, regardless of whether he’s just a fling or a boyfriend. Do you really need to deal with a guy who could be using you?

6. YOUR OPPOSITE: Opposites can and do attract. When it works, the sex can feel like fireworks. In order to have a good long-term relationship, though, you’d need to have something in common. With this guy, you won’t find that.

7. THE KINDA CELEBRITY: If you’re wise, you will never date someone who is involved in music, entertainment, or nightlife. The guys involved don’t usually have time for girls, tend to be terrible players, and often have no respect for women because they assume you’re a groupie. On the other hand, a quick fling with a DJ or rapper can be fun, and it can give you bragging rights. It’s best to stick to quick flings with these guys, though.

8. THE HANDSOME IDIOT: Everyone knows that one guy who’s absolutely jawdroppingly gorgeous… and dumb as a bag of rocks. The problem is that dealing with a guy who has the survival skills of a dodo and the IQ of a 5-year-old is that he’ll constantly embarrass you when he tries to sound smart. Don’t you want to have a guy that doesn’t need 24/7 supervision as a boyfriend instead?

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