Friday 2 September 2016

LADIES: 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stop If You Want To Find Love

We all know finding true love can sometimes be an Herculian task, to some love comes to them easily while for others it’s not as easy. Another shocker is that some people are their own bane in the sense that they are the reason why they haven’t found love yet, they unknowingly “Cockblock” themselves with some behaviors and also some mentality.

1. NEEDING A MAN INSTEAD OF WANTING ONE: You need to get it through your head that you don’t actually need a boyfriend. You want one, and there’s a huge difference between the two. Needing a man makes you desperate — it means you depend on him for your own happiness and survival. You shouldn’t be with someone because you have to be; you should be with him because you want to be. You always have a choice, and if he’s the right guy, you’ll choose him every single day.

2. CHOOSING GUYS OVER YOUR FRIENDS: No matter what happens in your love life, your girls will always be there. They’ve stuck with you through love and heartbreak, so don’t take them for granted. You’re not in high school anymore — you can’t spend all your free time with your guy and plan on seeing your friends in class the next day. You have to work at your friendships or you might just lose them.

3. BEING JEALOUS OF OTHER COUPLES:Just because other people have found love doesn’t mean you never will — there’s plenty of it to go around. Instead of being angry with them or obsessively envying their happiness, why not view couples as an inspiration? If they found love, you can too… that is, as long as you don’t let jealousy make you bitter along the way.

4. ALWAYS KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH YOUR EX: You broke up and now it’s time to get him out of your life for good. He can’t be the person to whom you compare every new guy in your life. He wasn’t right for you and it’s time you accept that. If you ever want to move on and truly get over the guy, he can’t be in your life. It’s time to say goodbye so you can say hello to someone who will be way better for you.
5. ALWAYS HAVING A PLAN B: You can’t keep a guy benched just in case you never find first-string material. No matter what happens, there’s no excuse for settling. It’s not fair to you and it’s certainly not fair to the guy waiting on the back burner. He deserves true love and so do you, so cut him loose for both of your sakes.
6. HOLDING ON TO THE PAST: If you ever want to find love, you’re going to have to let go of the heartbreak of your past. Some guy hurt you and that sucks, but at some point, you have to get over it. In order to move on, you have to let go. Stop feeling bitter about the man who hurt you and just forgive him. He may not deserve it, but it’s not about him — do it for yourself.

7. DEPENDING ON MEN TO MAKE YOU HAPPY: You should have learned this one a long time ago, but just in case, here it is — no man will ever make you happy. Your happiness depends solely on you. You have to be happy on your own first before you can be happy with someone else, so if you’re waiting for Prince Charming to swoop in solve all your problems and leave a permanent smile on your face, you’ll be waiting a long time — forever.

8. MAKING LOVE YOUR MAIN PRIORITY:Sometimes to find love, you have to stop looking so damn hard. You don’t have to stop going out, just stop making finding a man the object of every night out. You can make yourself available without making yourself look desperate. It’s time to stop chasing guys and let them chase you.

10. TRYING TO MAKE BAD BOYS GOOD BOYS: You should never set out to change a man because you’re destined to fail. Men have to want to change for themselves. Not for some girl, even if that girl is a great girl like you. It’s something he has to do on his own. If he’s not ready for a mature relationship, you can’t force him. Instead, try finding a man who’s not a “work in progress.”

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